Libertarian Party LPWI Announces Rob Taylor The Official Registered Write-In Candidate





Rob Taylor

Libertarian Party of WI (LPWI) Announces

Rob Taylor as The Official Registered Write-In Candidate

for the Wisconsin 7th Congressional seat in 2014.

Cumberland, WI. September 7, 2014. – The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin announced that Rob Taylor has been officially registered in the State of Wisconsin and endorsed as the write-in candidate for the United States House of Representatives representing the 7th Congressional District of the State of Wisconsin in the 2014 elections.

“We’re in trouble. Our economy, freedoms, and safety are jeopardized by big government. After seeing what the voters have to work with after the red-blue team primaries and not hearing one damn bit on solutions from their candidates on the issues of taxes, illegal immigration, gun control, budget control, inflation, and national defense (not world defense) and a slew of other UN-Constitutional policies, I decided to re-enter the race as the Libertarian candidate for US Congress for Wisconsin’s 7th district.”

“Over the summer I watched my taxes go out the door by our ever increasing presence in other nations, rising debt that no one wants to budget for, and our liberties eroding at a rate only seen by the native Americans, I came to the conclusion that I can’t wait for someone else to jump in and fix it.”

“I believe my good friend Ken Van Doren (3rd WI US House seat) says it best, “ I have to be in this election, it’s a matter of self defense”

“I feel the problems are the result of over a century of the red-blue team failed policies that have been ruling this country. I feel it is time to have the country that is defined in our U.S. Constitution and a government I can trust once again.”

Information on Mr. Taylor’s campaign can be obtained from his website – and the LPWI website (